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Travel apps offer convenience, deals, and suggestions on everything related to, well… travel. From booking airline and hotel accommodations to securing a rental car and suggesting places to eat, these “digital concierges” can be extremely helpful for planning vacations and business trips.  Airline tracking and weather apps also offer useful intel to ensure a pleasant travel experience.  

Almost all of these travel-related apps are free to use, but are they really free? 

Apps like Tripit, Hotwire, HotelTonight, Expedia, and use trackers. According to Exodus, a tracker is a piece of software meant to collect data about you such as your location, and even other apps you use.  

So, while your usage of these travel and related apps are technically free, your privacy is the actual currency for payment.  

Anyone concerned about travel security, for themselves, their employees, or their clients, should beware of using any app that allows tracking. 

An overwhelming majority of users do not bother to read the terms of service and end user license agreements to learn about how your data and privacy are being exposed.  

Utilized to facilitate secure communications — messaging as well as voice and video conversations —  QTel™ (formerly Qphone) does not collect user and device data.  

Providing a secure communication platform, QTel integrates end-to-end encryption and other advanced security features to safeguard voice and video calls as well as text messages.  

At Global Integrity, we understand the importance of keeping your organization’s communications private and secure.  

Click here to schedule a call to learn more.