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So, your organization is operating in the Ukraine, the Middle East, or other remote locations and is reliant on ultra-secure communications. What if connectivity is lost?

Last week an inevitable scenario unfolded. Kyivstar, Ukraine’s leading mobile network operator, experienced a significant shutdown because of an alleged cyber-attack. Network service were down for an extended period of time, stranding millions.

Operating in conflict zones requires contingency planning. The US military’s PACE methodology – primary, alternative, contingency, and emergency – should be applied to mobile communications. Organizations that rely on a single point of failure will be quickly stymied.

Those that are dependent on Kyivstar are likely re-thinking their technology stack. In addition to Internet connectivity, Qtel also supports satellite networks, Starlink, microwave and broadband RF, providing an alternative service to exchange voice, messaging, and video with ultra-secure peer-to-peer encryption.