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As organizations deploy teams in high-risk environments around the world, the need for secure communications is critical to maintaining operations. From corporations dispatching technical teams to explore new mining resources on land or sea, to humanitarian groups sending aid workers into precarious locations or conflict zones, the ability to communicate via voice, text and video is a necessity.

Not all remote locations are created equal. Some may have reliable communications infrastructures. Others may not. What if a natural disaster or geopolitical event impacted the safety, security, and privacy of operations and the people deployed? How do you make contact if and when things go sideways? Another scenario may require the need to shield location data from remote locations and in-field personnel, mitigating the risk of bad actors eavesdropping and intercepting overly sensitive information.

From researching new markets and locations to facilitating volunteer and relief efforts, organizations need to think through all the risks associated with maintaining the safety and security of their operations and personnel.

Assuming telecom and mobile networks may not be available, Internet-enabled apps may offer the best opportunity to make contact and exchange vital communications. Make sure your team has the capability to communicate easily and securely, even in the most challenging environments.