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It is a simple question, but most cannot put a value on it. When you ask anyone about their personal privacy with respect to using mobile devices, apps, and other interactive technologies, most are the least bothered that the veil of security they entrust can be easily pierced. 

Think about it. Every day there is yet another high-profile security or privacy incident. It could be a hack that divulges personal information on the dark web or bad actors infiltrating corporations or the military. It can even be insiders waiting for the perfect moment to strike. No one is ultimately safe. 

Technology – the apps and devices we use for personal and business – provides the capability for someone or something to easily track us. Even if you turn off location services or actually shut down the device, most can still be pinged. And if that is the case, so can you.  

The ubiquity of technology has made it easier to eavesdrop, implement sophisticated corporate espionage schemes, and conduct elaborate international spying operations

Even those that have the most to lose if compromised, don’t seem to care too much. They continue to use and rely on free apps to communicate, exchange messages, and converse in group video conversations. 

We recently spoke with a billion-dollar multi-national company that uses a popular messaging app to communicate corporate strategy, product rollouts, and information on research and development projects. If this information were ever to be compromised, it could cost tens of millions of dollars and perhaps, years of competitive edge. Yet they are comfortable using the free stuff because it is the comfortable choice, but not the prudent one.  

Remember, nothing is truly free… Unfortunately, you will not appreciate this adage until your organization (or you) are compromised.  

QTel™ (formerly Qphone) ensures total communications security. As a licensed software solution, it includes end-to-end encryption and other advanced features to provide complete security and privacy of all voice, messaging, and video communications.  

 As you evaluate your organization’s technology stack and security framework, your investment should be commensurate with your privacy threshold. And if it is free or ridiculously cheap, you have to ask yourself… Do I feel lucky? 

Click here to schedule a QTel demo.